
5 Reasons Why You May Need Emergency Dental Care

Dental emergencies are inevitable. Regardless of how careful we are, we all occasionally experience oral accidents, injuries, or trauma, which may require emergency treatment. If you have a toothache, a damaged tooth, or a tooth injury, seeking Bellevue emergency dentistry immediately can help you avoid more damage.

 Here are some reasons why you may need emergency dental care.

   1. Toothaches

A toothache is a common reason to seek emergency dental care. It can be caused by various factors such as a cavity, infection, or injury to the tooth. The pain can range from mild to severe and may be accompanied by swelling or fever. If you are experiencing a toothache, it is important to see a dentist as soon as possible, as the condition can worsen if left untreated.

  2  Abscesses

An abscess is a pocket of pus that forms in the mouth due to an infection. It can be extremely painful and may cause fever, swelling, and difficulty swallowing. If left untreated, an abscess can spread to other body parts and be life-threatening. If you suspect that you have an abscess, it is important to seek emergency dental care as soon as possible.

3. Knocked-out teeth

If you have a knocked-out tooth, it is important to seek emergency dental care as soon as possible. The sooner you get to a dentist, the better the chances are that the tooth can be successfully re-implanted. If you find the tooth, try to handle it by the top (the crown) and avoid touching the roots. Rinse off the tooth gently with water, but do not scrub it or remove any attached tissue. Try to reinsert the tooth into the socket and hold it in place by biting down gently. If you cannot reinsert the tooth, place it in a container of milk or saliva and get to the dentist as soon as possible.

 4. Broken or fractured teeth

A broken or fractured tooth can be extremely painful and can result in infection if the tooth’s inner layers are exposed. If you have a broken or fractured tooth, it is important to seek emergency dental care as soon as possible. The dentist can assess the damage and determine the best course of treatment, which may include a crown or root canal.

5.  Soft tissue injuries

Injuries to the soft tissue in the mouth, such as cuts or lacerations, can be extremely painful and can also bleed heavily. If you have a soft tissue injury in your mouth, it is important to seek emergency dental care as soon as possible. The dentist will clean the wound and determine the best course of treatment, which may include stitches.

If you are experiencing toothaches, abscesses, knocked-out teeth, broken or fractured teeth, soft tissue injuries, and swelling, it is important to see a dentist as soon as possible to prevent the condition from worsening and to ensure that you receive the proper treatment. Call EZ Dental Clinic for emergency dental care services.

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