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Switch to Eco-friendly Pots to Make Planting Better

The majority of people use plastic pots for their plants, but more and more people are becoming aware of the benefits of using biodegradable containers. The term “biodegradable pot” refers to a container that will organically decompose in the soil over some time, and eco pots in Australia have several advantages over traditional pots.

Pots Made of Biodegradable Materials are Available

Several various types of biodegradable plant pots are available. Still, they can all be roughly divided into two categories: those made of biodegradable plastic and those made of natural materials such as coir or wood fibre.

The biodegradable plastic pot in Australia has many advantages of a regular pot, including the ability to endure for an extremely long period and the ease of handling it. However, you may opt to chop them up and then put them in your compost or the bottom of a planting hole to dispose of them, rather than throwing them away. The breakdown of these systems may take many years to occur altogether.

Biodegradable pots in Australia composed of wood fibre, peat, or coir decompose considerably more quickly than regular pots, and you don’t have to tear them apart to use them. Instead, you set a plant in them, then plant it in the soil, and the pot eventually decomposes on its own.

Several Advantages of Using a Biodegradable Pot

Traditional pots in Australia are considerably worse for the environment than biodegradable ones, perhaps the most evident advantage. There is no waste, or at the very least, no waste that cannot be instantly reabsorbed back into the soil, and the pots themselves are manufactured from a variety of renewable and sustainable raw materials to ensure long-term sustainability.

However, several advantages go beyond being ecologically friendly, and the following are just a few of them.

  • As a pot decomposes, roots push through the edges and the bottom. It is very uncommon for roots to be naturally spread rather than coiling, folding, spiralling, or knotting, or developing any other kind of root distortion or deformation.
  • Pot-bound plants that are difficult to transfer or suffer substantially from transplant shock or root disturbance may be more easily accommodated by breaking down their container around them.
  • The hassle of removing plants from pots in Australia as they develop in size will be eliminated for you due to this method. Although it may not seem like a big deal if you’re going to be planting a handful of trees, as your nursery expands, it becomes more vital, particularly if you need to coordinate the movement of many distinct species simultaneously.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, an estimated 31 million tonnes of plastic garbage was created in Australia in 2010. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, actually only 8% of it was recycled, which is a concerning ratio when considering that it might take 100 to 400 years for plastic to decompose in a landfill. It is worth considering utilising biodegradable pots in your garden or nursery since they are suitable for the environment, save money on labour, and even aid plants’ growth. Additionally, gardeners may experiment with ecologically friendly containers in addition to reusing and recycling plastic items. Plants in eco pots in Australia are progressively making their way into garden store shelves as more farmers choose environmentally friendly containers. Many of these pots may be planted directly in the ground alongside the plants. As the roots of the plants enter the containers, reducing transplant shock, many biodegradable materials also enhance the soil conditions as they decompose, making them an excellent choice for container gardening.


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