Although many women experience miscarriages, the frequency doesn’t make the event less painful. If you have undergone two or more consecutive miscarriages, it is vital to consult your gynecologist and determine the root cause. If you suspect you have a miscarriage Bedford, you may benefit from the CARE Fertility team’s medical and emotional support through this ordeal.
How to know when you are having a miscarriage
Pregnancy, also known as spontaneous abortion, is a miscarriage occurring within the first weeks of gestation. A miscarriage doesn’t necessarily mean that you did something wrong in carrying your unborn baby. Most miscarriages are unpredictable and often out of your control. Some occur before you even know that you are pregnant. Miscarriages are common, but they don’t make the grief any less painful or easier. You can talk to your provider, who can guide you through emotional healing and help identify the underlying cause of your miscarriage.
You may not realize you are having a miscarriage. Still, some people may experience low back aches ranging from mild to severe, cramps and abdominal pain worse than menstrual cramps, decreased pregnancy symptoms, and abnormal bleeding from light to heavy.
Factors contributing to miscarriage
Chromosomal abnormalities are responsible for most miscarriages in the first 13 weeks of gestation. Chromosomes consist of genes that determine a person’s physical attributes, including blood type, eye and hair color, and assigned sex. When sperm and egg fuse during fertilization, two sets of chromosomes come together. If the sperm or egg has fewer or more chromosomes, the fetus may develop some abnormalities that may result in a miscarriage. Other factors triggering a miscarriage include exposure to TORCH diseases, thyroid disease, severe kidney disease, hormonal imbalances, incompetent cervix, and congenital heart disease. There is no proof that sexual activity, prolonged use of birth control pills, exercise, or stress can lead to miscarriage. Whatever the cause, refrain from blaming yourself for the miscarriage, as blaming yourself only worsens your emotional and physical health.
Diagnosis and treatment of miscarriage
During your appointment at CARE Fertility, your provider will conduct an ultrasound to confirm the miscarriage. These tests check for the first fetal structures or a fetal heartbeat. The team may also perform blood tests to measure your human chorionic gonadotropin because a low level of HCG can indicate a miscarriage. After a pregnancy loss, your provider removes the fetal remains from your uterus because if not removed, they may result in complications such as infection and bleeding. If the miscarriage is complete and all the fetal tissue is expelled, you may not need further treatment. Your provider uses an ultrasound to confirm that no fetal tissue is left behind. If your body doesn’t expel the tissue, the CARE Fertility team may recommend medication or surgical intervention. If you have had several miscarriages in a row, your doctor may perform genetic tests, blood tests, hysterosalpingogram, laparoscopy, or hysteroscopy to identify the root cause.
If you suspect you are having a miscarriage, call the CARE Fertility office or book an appointment online for diagnosis and treatment.