
5 Crucial Things To Note About Varicose Veins & Leg Ulcers

Anyone can develop varicose veins, no matter their age or sex. The disease results from faulty valves, which allow blood to flow backward and accumulate in the lower leg regions. Unfortunately, varicose veins can advance into leg ulcers quickly if you do not seek medication. While the disorder usually does not involve any wounds, leg ulcers actually do.

Unlike in the past, more effective methods of treating varicose veins and leg ulcers are available today. Visiting a leg ulcers Houston specialist can restore your comfort and allow you to resume your everyday lifestyle faster. The following are the five things only a few people understand about Varicose veins and leg ulcers.

1. It Has Hereditary Factors

Many people aren’t sure if varicose veins are a hereditary disorder. But based on the available information and experiences, this disease is genetic. So if any of your parents or grandparents have varicose veins, you’re also at a high risk of developing associated complications.

But since the risk is usually just about 50% or slightly more, not everyone whose parents have varicose veins also suffers from the disease. This is because many other factors determine the development of Varicose veins in a person.

2. The Risk Increases With the Age

One becomes more vulnerable to varicose veins and leg ulcers as they age. You’re more likely to develop varicose veins than your younger siblings. Similarly, your parents or grandparents are more likely to suffer from leg ulcers than yourself. So the critical question is, why is it so?

Well, as one grows older, the valves in their veins become weaker. With time, the valves malfunction, making the veins unable to transport blood forward. If you do not seek medication immediately, blood flows backward and accumulates in your leg veins. This twists and swells them,  resulting in varicose veins.

3. Most Cases Involve Women

A greater percentage of all varicose veins cases comprises women because of two factors. A female’s body produces several menstrual hormones monthly. Most of the hormones increase the diameter of the veins in the legs, making the valves less effective.

The other factor makes females more vulnerable to varicose veins complications in pregnancy. When a woman is expectant, her body produces more blood to cater to the growing baby’s needs. The high blood volume comprises the functionality of valves in the veins and increases one’s risk of getting varicose veins.

4. Patients May Never Feel Pain

No matter how crazy this might seem, it’s true that not all varicose veins patients experience pain. So the best thing is to master its symptoms and seek medical attention in time. Swollen veins, the presence of sores around the ankles, and twisted veins are some of the common signs of varicose veins or leg ulcers.

5. Physical Exercise Lowers the Risk

Since varicose veins and leg ulcers result from vascular failures, anything that improves physical fitness significantly reduces the risk of infection. Therefore, walking, running, or going to the gym regularly strengthens your veins and valves, lowering the chances of developing varicose veins or leg ulcers.

Varicose veins are a medical condition resulting from faulty vein valves. If it stays long before treatment, varicose veins advances into a more severe condition called leg ulcers. 

The other thing about Varicose veins is that it’s hereditary. Additionally, the disorder primarily affects women and the aged. Surprisingly, some patients may not feel pain even if they have Varicose veins. 

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