Varicose veins are a common complaint, affecting about 25 million people in the United States. The colored and twisted veins are a cosmetic nuisance and can be harmless. In some cases, varicose veins signify an underlying cardiovascular disease. If left untreated, varicose veins cause immense pain and fester into worse blood flow conditions. Luckily, multiple Plantation varicose veins treatments do not necessarily mean going under the knife. If you struggle with varicose veins, you will find long-term relief from the minimally invasive procedures varicose veins experts employ. Here are five ways to get rid of varicose veins without surgery.
1. Sclerotherapy
With sclerotherapy, a vein specialist injects a solution of sclerosing agents into the varicose veins. The solution irritates the faulty vein, causing it to collapse and scar. Blood flow then diverts into the healthier veins, removing the blood pool that causes the discoloration associated with varicose veins. Sclerotherapy is an in-office procedure and takes a few minutes. You will need multiple sessions for the veins to disappear completely. The vein specialist may recommend wearing compression stockings for two weeks to increase effectiveness.
2. Endovenous laser therapy
ELT, or endovenous laser therapy, involves guided lasers to the varicose veins to heat and cauterize them. Blood flow is rerouted when the veins seal off. ELT is particularly effective for surface-level varicose and spider veins. This method requires the use of anesthesia but has no downtime. Patients usually resume work after 1-2 days.
3. Endovenous radiofrequency ablation
Think radio waves instead of lasers for radiofrequency ablation. Endovenous radiofrequency ablation is similar to laser therapy, only that it uses radio waves instead of concentrated lasers. Another key difference with laser therapy is radiofrequency ablation targets the collagen fibers, causing them to shrink, while the former cauterizes the varicose veins using heat.
4. Microphelebctomy
For larger and deep-seated varicose veins, vein specialists usually employ a less invasive form of vein stripping called microphlebectomy. This procedure is done under local anesthesia and involves the doctor making tiny nicks on your skin. The faulty veins are then pulled out, removing varicose veins completely. The tiny nicks do not need stitches afterward; thus, recovery time is minimal. For context, recovery takes about a week while wearing compression stockings.
5. Compression stockings
Compression stockings and socks are the most conservative treatment for varicose veins. Since varicose veins are caused by blood pooling in the leg due to defective one-way veins, compression stockings alleviate the pressure to impart normal blood flow. Prescribed stockings are the ideal ones to purchase when using them as a treatment option for varicose veins. Compression stockings are used in compression therapy, which is usually the first-line treatment for varicose veins. The stockings give your veins an added push so that blood no longer pools or flows backward in your legs.
Nonsurgical methods work best when the varicose veins are in their formative stages. Knowing when to seek treatment for varicose veins is important to avoid becoming a candidate for more aggressive means like vein stripping. You need to get checked for varicose veins when you notice throbbing pain, bulging veins, and discoloration in your leg, especially after a busy day. With nonsurgical treatments, you can go home the same day.