When your veins become faulty, you can be at risk of developing spider veins. These spider veins can occur anywhere in your body, including the face, legs, chest, arms, and hands. They mostly appear like small purple lines or webs. Spider veins barely cause any major symptoms but might worsen if left untreated. Fortunately, through a spider veins Evergreen Park specialist, you can receive treatment, particularly if you have symptoms or are concerned about their appearance on your skin. Spider veins might occur due to various factors, such as age. Here are some other detailed reasons why you might develop varicose veins on various parts of your skin.
1. Medical Conditions
Certain different medical conditions might increase your risk of getting spider veins. These medical conditions, such as chronic venous insufficiency and liver disease, might cause blood clots that obstruct blood flow in your veins. If this happens, the pressure might develop in your blood vessels, causing spider veins. Some medical conditions might cause inflammation in your veins and affect their functionality.
2. Pregnancy
Pregnancy is also another common factor that causes varicose veins. As the pregnancy progresses, most women tend to add weight which might exert pressure on their abdomen and lower legs. As a result, your blood vessels might become faulty and become spider veins. Also, pregnancy might cause your body to produce more red blood cells, which can dilate your blood vessels, causing spider veins.
3. Genetics
Genetics plays a role when it comes to developing faulty veins and capillaries. Certain people are more genetically predisposed to developing spider veins. Studies suggest that people with a family history of spider veins have an increased risk of developing them. Also, certain genes might affect the strength of your blood vessels, making you more prone to developing spider veins in the long run.
4. Environmental Changes
Environmental changes can expose you to certain temperatures that might increase your risk of developing spider veins. For instance, prolonged sun exposure or washing your face with hot water can damage the collagen beneath your skin. As a result, your blood vessels might visibly appear on your skin, causing spider veins. Unfavorable hot temperatures can also worsen or increase the visibility of your current spider veins.
5. Medications
Certain medications such as topical steroids, hormonal birth control, and hormone replacement therapy can highly increase your risk of getting varicose veins. Some of these medications might weaken your skin, leaving your blood vessels more prone to damage. On the other hand, hormonal medications can cause your blood vessels to dilate, leading to the development of spider veins
6. Obesity
Obesity is among the leading causes of spider veins. It causes damage to your blood vessels and interrupts the normal circulation of blood due to the pressure it exerts on your body. Obesity can also stretch your skin, making your capillaries prone to breakage. To prevent the occurrence of spider veins, your doctor might recommend weight loss exercises that will reduce the progress and risk of your capillaries breaking.
The occurrence of spider veins on your skin might make you uncomfortable. Fortunately, through a team of experienced spider veins experts at Vascular Specialists, you can incorporate ways to help prevent their occurrence. They will also provide proper diagnosis and treatment for any health condition causing your spider veins. Call today or book an online appointment to begin your treatment journey for your spider veins.