Having red eyes is not entirely out of the ordinary, particularly if you know the cause. However, if you have not been sleeping late or have not had soap enter your eyes, there could be more to the redness.
Your ophthalmologist at Wolchok Eye Associates, PA, can provide a professional diagnosis of your concern and suggest the most suitable care plan. Meanwhile, here are some of the more serious issues that might be causing your red eyes.
1. Corneal Scratches
Your cornea is the clear lens that is situated over the iris. By refracting or bending the light as it enters the eye, your corneas help enhance your field of vision.
Unfortunately, the cornea is located right at the front part of your eye, so it can easily become scratched by dirt or other foreign materials. Even a minor scratch could have serious consequences and threaten your vision, so immediate care is crucial.
2. Blepharitis
Blepharitis is the swelling of the eyelids, which makes the eyes look swollen and red. This condition might develop if you have increased levels of bacteria on your lids or if the oil glands in your lids become clogged.
Left untreated, blepharitis can result in more serious symptoms like eyelashes that develop in the wrong area, loss of eyelashes, or blurry vision. Therefore, do not hesitate to reach out to an ophthalmologist.
3. Uveitis
Uveitis is swelling of the uvea, the region between the white eye and the retina. Besides the red eye, uveitis can lead to eye discomfort, blurry vision, light sensitivity, and visual floaters.
Uveitis may stem from autoimmune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, or certain infections, such as shingles and syphilis. In some cases, uveitis may also be caused by some cancers. Regardless, prompt treatment is vital as uveitis can cause vision loss if not treated.
4. Conjunctivitis
Once the membrane covering the insides of the eyelids and the white part of the eyes become swollen, the inflammation makes the whites look red or pink. You might recognize this condition by its common name, “pink eye.”
Conjunctivitis might stem from allergies, environmental irritants, bacterial infections, or viral infections. If a bacterial or viral infection is the underlying cause, the condition and highly contagious, so you should seek immediate medical attention.
5. Scleritis
Scleritis is the swelling of the sclera, the white part of the eye. This eye condition is frequently associated with autoimmune conditions, such as Sjogren’s syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus.
Scleritis can also occur because of eye trauma, or an eye infection. Because Scleritis is the outcome of an underlying health issue, seeking treatment as soon as feasible is vital to avoid more serious health complications.
6. Angle-Closure Glaucoma
Glaucoma is a collection of eye conditions that increase pressure in the eye. This pressure can damage the optic nerve, and result in vision loss. One of the common signs of glaucoma is angle-closure glaucoma.
This condition is characterized by a sudden surge in eye pressure that results in red eyes, serious discomfort, headaches, halos around objects, and nausea or vomiting. This form of glaucoma is a medical emergency and demands immediate care to avoid vision loss.
Red, bloodshot eyes are quite common. While red eyes are often not a reason for concern, there are some times when you might need professional assistance. If you identify any warning signs of the conditions highlighted above, consult an ophthalmologist.
Common treatment options for red eyes include prescription eye drops, sunglasses, and oral medications. Besides, if you have specific underlying conditions like glaucoma, surgery may also be necessary.