
7 Ways for Speedy Tendon Recovery

The tendons in our body keep our muscles attached to our bones by fibrous connective tissues. When these fibrous tissues are damaged or torn, recovery can take place over several week or months. Tendon recovery isn’t an overnight process but there are actions you can take each day to expedite the process which includes physical therapy, resting, the RICE method, getting more sleep, medication and more. If you want to regain tendon function more quickly follow these 7 ways for speedy tendon recovery. 

1.Physical Therapy

Participating in physical therapy is a highly effective method to speedy tendon recovery. Physical therapists are medially tainted to deal with tendon injuries and create a plan for repair and recovery. In physical therapy individuals partake in exercises that are typically not over exertive or strenuous in order to slowly and gradually strengthen the damaged area of the body. Attending physical therapy regularly and practicing the same exercises at home can significantly reduce recovery time. Speak to your doctor about a referral to a physical therapy program. 


Resting is an easy way to speed up tendon recovery. Although some light movement and exercise is essential in tendon repair, resting the affected areas is a powerful way to allow the connective tissues to heal. Premature physical strain on the affected tendons could delay recovery time and even cause further injury. Find ways to rest the impacted area and that may mean dropping out of sports programs for a few weeks and getting more rest at home. Or, you can cheer your sports team on the sidelines while you recover. Rest is the body’s way of catching up and initiating restorative functions within the body. 


Studied and analyzed over the course of many years, peptides show the potential to change the course of tendon repair and recovery time. The studies conducted on rats using the peptide BPC 157 manifested a correlation of improved repaired tendon function as opposed to rats that did not consume BPC 157. Researchers continue to focus on deciphering how peptides work to aid in tendon recovery; the results display promising future advancements in this field. 


Sleeping well has the power to change the course of anyone’s health if practiced regularly and intentionally. Getting solid sleep each night is a game changer for those struggling with physical and mental ailments. Tendon repair falls right into the category. When the body gets enough sleep it is better able to release restorative properties throughout the body thus decreasing tendon recovery time. Humans should be getting at least 8-10 hours of solid sleep each night and women may need even more than that. Sometimes sleeping more is easier said than done in a world that exalts overworking but there are simple steps that can help. Start by going to bed an hour earlier, turning off the phone and tv an hour before bed, and creating a cool and dark room to cultivate better sleep. 

  1. The RICE Method

RICE is an acronym that stands for REST, ICE, COMPRESSION, and ELEVATION. This is a simple at home remedy that can be completed multiple times a day especially at the first occurrence of tendon injury. Resting means sitting or laying down and resting in the affected area. Icing the affected area helps to reduce inflammation around the tendon and using compression while elevating the tendon also aids in reducing inflammation and pain. You can try elevating an injured tendon by placing a pillow or stack of pillow underneath the affected area. Although not a long term tool for faster tendon recovery, it helps overall healing time and it is something you can easily do from home.


Medication doesn’t have to be a last resort especially when it comes to quickening tendon recovery times. Medications such as ibuprofen, advil, and tylenol have been proven to reduce inflammation and pain making the recovery more bearable and faster. The reduction in inflammation also aids in allowing you to participate in activities like physical therapy that may otherwise be painful if your tendon is inflamed. 

  1. Surgery

Surgery is typically an uncommon solution in speeding tendon recovery but it is an option. There are many advancements in tendon repair surgery that can help to speed the healing of an injured tendon. Surgeons who complete these procedures are well-trained and prepared to handle these types of surgeries. Consult with your primary care physician if surgery is a viable option. 

Don’t let tendon injury stop you from enjoying life. Although recovery may feel long and your patience may be wearing thin, start implementing these 7 ways for speedy tendon recovery. Your tendon’s will begin healing at a quicker rate and you’ll be back to business as usual in no time. 

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