
Bullying And How It Can Affect You    

Being bullied can have a huge and negative effect on both a person’s physical and mental wellbeing.  It has become a hot topic with the media in recent years as it now not only takes place physically but as cyber bullying either on-line or through digital devices and social media apps.

This has made bullying accessible to people who would not normally physically bully someone for fear of being recognised and called to answer for their behaviour.  The fact that they can bully people whilst remaining anonymous can embolden them into acting in ways they wouldn’t previously have done.

Looking back, we can probably all remember a time when we were bullied at school and how bad it made us feel, no matter how short lived it might have been.  Now bullying is more commonly recognised not just at school, but in the workplace and amongst social groups, and to adults as well as children.

Bullying is defined as unwanted, aggressive, coercive or intimidating behaviour by one or more individuals towards a weaker, smaller or more vulnerable person.  There is no excuse for a person to bully or intimidate another, even if their actions are as a result of being mistreated or abused themselves.  

Forms Of Bullying

Bullying can take several forms:

  •     Emotional abuse, this can involve making threats, telling lies, starting rumours, or blackmailing a person
  •     Cyber bullying includes sending abusive or threatening messages, sharing malicious images or unwanted sexual content. It can also include encouraging people to self-harm by either using drugs or alcohol or physically injuring themselves
  •     Bystander bullying, whilst not being the actual instigator but watching, encouraging or joining in to a lesser extent
  •     Verbal abuse, which can include name calling, making hurtful comments or taunting someone.
  •     Physical abuse, includes pushing, biting, scratching slapping or punching

People More Likely To Be Bullied

People can be more at risk of being bullied if they are perceived to be different or are in some way vulnerable.  This can be for several reasons and could be because of:

  •     Their physical appearance
  •     Religious beliefs
  •     Race or culture
  •     Gender or sexual identity
  •     Having a disability
  •     Family or financial situation
  •     Personality traits like being shy or lacking confidence

Signs Someone Is Being Bullied

If someone is the victim of a bully they may show some of the following symptoms or changes in personality:

  •     Seeming anxious, stressed or upset
  •     Changes to their appearance
  •     Problems sleeping
  •     Changes to their eating habits
  •     Avoiding school, work or socialising
  •     Have injuries they can’t explain

Long term they may develop

  •     Low self-esteem
  •     Depression
  •     Self-harming or suicidal thoughts
  •     Panic disorder
  •     Agoraphobia

How To Get Help

If you are being bullied you should confide in someone you trust.  They might suggest you report this to a teacher, employer or the police if you feel in physical danger.  You should also contact your doctor who can prescribe medication for any stress, anxiety or depression you may be suffering.  They can also refer you see a therapist who can help you with therapies such as psychotherapy and counselling, which can help you to deal with any issues that being bullied has caused.  Written by Jan, Jeana and Wendy at Barnsley Hypnosis and Counselling (UK). For more free Information click above link.

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