You may not know how much you rely on your shoulders to perform your daily tasks until you get a shoulder injury. When your home remedies fail to alleviate your symptoms, you may need to seek immediate medical help. Suppose you are struggling with shoulder injuries La Jolla; in that case, you can trust the Upper Extremity Specialists of Ortho 1 Medical Group to alleviate your symptoms and restore optimal functioning in your shoulder.
What you should know about shoulder injuries
Your shoulders are a complex network of muscles, tendons, and ligaments responsible for a wide range of motion. Their flexibility makes them prone to several injuries, including instability, fractures, bursitis, impingement, arthritis, and tendonitis. You may acquire a traumatic or acute shoulder injury during an automobile collision or while playing your favorite sport. But, most shoulder injuries are due to repetitive movements that accelerate wear and tear in your joints, resulting in chronic shoulder pain. Weight lifters, tennis players, swimmers, and baseball players have a higher risk of developing shoulder injuries.
Conservative remedies for shoulder injuries
Anyone can experience a shoulder joint problem, irrespective of age. Mild shoulder injuries often improve with home remedies and adequate rest; however, if the symptoms persist, seek professional help. During your appointment at Upper Extremity Specialists of Ortho 1 Medical Group, the team discusses your symptoms, reviews your medical history, and performs a physical exam. They may require you to move your arm around to evaluate your range of motion and the source of your discomfort. Your treatment will rely on the severity of your injury. Easy home remedies for shoulder injuries include:
1. Cold compress
A cold compress can alleviate the pain and reduce the swelling if you have a mild shoulder injury. You can place a bag of frozen peas or ice cubes in a bag to cool the injured area.
2. Pain medication
Your provider may prescribe aspirin and acetaminophen to improve your pain and sleep quality as you recover from the injury. However, painkillers can result in uncomfortable side effects like heartburn. You can discuss with your doctor when to use the medication to lower your risk of severe side effects. Your doctor may recommend topical creams and pain-relief gels, which have mild side effects compared to pain meds. However, if you have an open shoulder injury, avoid creams and gel, as they may cause more harm than good.
3. Muscle relaxants
You may benefit from muscle relaxants if you experience frequent muscle spasms or tension around your shoulder joint. However, you may need a prescription from your doctor as they are not OTC drugs. Muscle relaxants can result in drowsiness, meaning you should not take them when operating machinery or driving.
4. Anti-inflammatory medication
The Upper Extremity Specialists of the Ortho 1 Medical Group team may recommend nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) to lower inflammation or improve your shoulder pain. Reducing inflammation is vital for arthritis, tendonitis, and rotator cuff injuries.
Physical therapy is essential to improve your shoulder flexibility and strength. The team may recommend full and partial shoulder replacement surgeries for severe injuries. To explore more about shoulder injuries, call the Upper Extremity Specialists of Ortho 1 Medical Group office or schedule an appointment online.