
Essential Diabetes Tests Which Require Regular Monitoring

Lafayette diabetes specialists recognize that diabetes can impact various aspects of your body, spanning from your eyes to your feet. An essential aspect of diabetes management involves undergoing regular tests and checkups to identify potential issues early and mitigate the risk of complications. Thus, adhering to the following diabetes examinations and tests is crucial for receiving the necessary healthcare:

A1C test: This pivotal blood test assesses your average blood sugar levels over the preceding two to three months, offering insight into how effectively your blood sugar is being controlled. As per the American Diabetes Association (ADA), it’s recommended to undergo this test twice a year or even more frequently.

Blood pressure monitoring: Diabetes heightens your susceptibility to high blood pressure, a condition that increases the likelihood of stroke and heart attack. Therefore, it’s advisable to have your blood pressure checked during every visit to your primary care doctor.

Cholesterol assessment: Given that diabetes elevates the risk of heart disease, it’s crucial to undergo a cholesterol blood test as part of your annual checkup or more often if your cholesterol levels are elevated. This step is particularly important for safeguarding your cardiovascular health.

Comprehensive foot examination: According to the American Podiatric Medical Association, approximately half of individuals with diabetes experience reduced sensation in their feet and lower extremities. It’s recommended by the ADA to undergo a thorough foot examination during each office visit. 

Your reflexes will be assessed, and your feet will be examined for calluses, infections, sores, and loss of sensation. While your primary care doctor can perform this examination, if any issues like ulcers arise, it’s advisable to consult a podiatrist.

Ocular assessment: Schedule an annual eye examination with an ophthalmologist who will dilate your eyes to evaluate potential damage to blood vessels caused by high blood sugar levels. Regular monitoring for early indications of glaucoma, cataracts, and diabetic retinopathy is vital for preserving your vision.

Kidney function test: The microalbumin test measures the presence of albumin, a protein, in your urine and compares it to the level of creatinine, a waste product. The albumin-to-creatinine ratio provides insights into your kidney function. It’s recommended to undergo this test at least once a year, and your primary care doctor can conduct it.

Dental checkup: Gum disease is a lesser-known complication of diabetes. When severe, it can complicate blood sugar control and lead to infections and other health issues. Regular dental cleanings every six months, along with self-care practices like daily flossing and brushing, can help maintain your dental health. 

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