
Nashville Foot Infection: Seeking Treatment to Avoid Serious Complications

Foot infection can cause pain and make it hard to walk and perform daily activities. It can happen for various reasons like a fungal infection or bacterial infection. A foot infection, particularly one that results from an infected wound, must be taken seriously. A skilled doctor may examine a nashville foot infection and treat it effectively to avoid more serious complications.

Symptoms of Foot Infections

Pain in an infected foot can be quite serious and symptoms depend on what caused the infection. Some of the common symptoms of a foot infection include the following:

  • Skin and nail discoloration. Infection in the foot can cause a change in the color of the foot. If an infection leads to cellulitis, there may be a red spotty rash or redness on the foot. Toenail fungus can result in the discoloration of the toenails.
  • Skin temperature changes. A foot infection can cause the skin around the infected area to feel hotter or warmer to the touch than other parts of the foot.
  • Swelling. A foot infection can cause inflammation and swelling. This symptom can get worse or even spread to the whole foot. Also, it can make the skin look waxy.
  • Pus. An ingrown toenail can lead to the formation of a pocket under the skin filled with pus. Also, an ulcer or abscess can cause pus in the infected area.
  • Fever. A more serious foot infection like cellulitis can cause fever, body aches, lethargy, or sweating.

Kinds of Foot Infections

The following are different kinds of foot infections:

  • Bacterial cellulitis. This condition can lead to the infected area becoming red, hot, painful, tender, and swollen. It must be treated right away as it can cause kidney damage, blood poisoning, and ulcers.
  • Foot ulcers. Foot ulcers such as neurotrophic ulcers, venous stasis ulcers, and arterial ulcers must be treated immediately.
  • Diabetic foot conditions. These can be complications of diabetes such as peripheral artery disease and diabetic neuropathy. Untreated foot ulcers can result in severe complications.

Foot Infection Treatment

Treatment options for a foot infection vary depending on what caused it and how serious it is. Over-the-counter treatments may be enough to treat a minor infection like an athlete’s foot. Home treatments for a minor infection include antibiotic creams and lotions, antifungal sprays, creams, and powders, blister pads, as well as salicylic acid. Meanwhile, a more serious infection in the foot like infected diabetic ulcers and bacterial cellulitis often requires urgent medical attention. Special treatments may be prescribed for a foot infection. These include topical or oral antibiotics, surgery, antifungal medication, lotions and creams, cryotherapy, surgery, and vacuum-assisted wound closure.

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