
Types of Marketing: Aggressive and Inbound

Every business works hard to acquire new clients. Competition tends to increase all the time, so attracting people who will use your services and products becomes more complicated. The problem is that people have too many choices. So, how can you grab people’s attention?

Many experts in marketing start using the aggressive type of marketing hoping to capture attention and motivate people to take action. This marketing technique can create a good impact.

Inbound marketing helps in building relationships by increasing brand awareness and sharing information people are seeking. This method helps develop trust as it is not forceful compared to aggressive marketing. The main purpose of inbound marketing is to fulfill all the needs of potential clients and offer them the best solution for solving their problems.

The Best Samples of Inbound Marketing

Content marketing
Make sure that your corporate blog offers the information that your potential clients are looking for. Do not write only about your brand. It is the way to build trust. Content marketing is able to create more leads compared to traditional marketing.

Guest blogging

You can reach a new audience by posting your articles on other blogs. You should do your best to persuade the top influencers in your niche to post your articles. It will gine positive results in search engine optimization.

Engaging with leads/prospects

You ca connect with your clients via social media platforms. You can use them as forums where people can get th freshest updates/activities relate to your company. Make updates nteresting and regular, so they appear in the news feeds.

Free distribution

People like when companies give something free for clients. It can be detailed guides, handy information, video tutorials, e-books, coupons, etc. This is how you build trust and increase the number of clients.

Email marketing

If a person shares his email with you it is a big success. Email marketing helps your company stay connected with potential clients and build trust.

Share valuable content

The easiest content to share are videos and infographics. It is essential to include your brand logo and provide contact details, so interested individuals can find you easily.


If you want to do a successful SEO optimization, you need to use keywords smartly. You must focus on using targeted keywords. Make sure they look organic in your articles and descriptions.

The Best Samples of Aggressive Marketing

    1. Auto-played video content;
    2. Pop Ups;
    3. Full-screen ads
    4. Animation with flashing elements;
    5. Articles with multiple pages;
    6. So-calles “Shockvertising”;
    7. A barricade of e-mails.
    8. Inbound vs. Aggressive Marketing: Pros and Cons
    9. We are going to see the main pros and cons of two marketing techniques to understand which one is more efficient.

The pros of inbound marketing:

    • It helps build long-term and trusted relationships;
    • It does not force people to do anything;
    • It aims to help people solve their problems;
    • It boost brand awareness/creditability;
    • The price is affordable.

The cons of inbound marketing:

    • It requires a lot of time;
    • You do not get instant results;
    • ROI is not easy to trck;
    • It’s difficult to stand the competition.

The pros of aggressive marketing:

    • You get immediate results;
    • It is a way to fight the competition in your niche.

The cons of aggressive marketing:

    • People hate this type of promotion;
    • Your cleients can turn to your competitors;
    • Google can decrease your brand ranking;
    • It is an outdated way of doing brand promotion.


As you can see, both marketing techniques have theirstrong and weak points. You can decide now which approach is more appropriate for your promotional campaign. You just need to know the limits not to lose already created relationships with your clients due to aggressive ways of doing marketing.

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